10 Tips on How to Sleep Better

Many people have trouble sleeping at night.  Some people have trouble falling asleep while others have trouble getting back to sleep.  If you are having trouble sleeping at night, you are not alone.  There are many things that you can do to sleep better at nighttime.  It may take some time and you may have to try different things.  One of the most important things that you can do is do develop a consistent sleeping routine.  This consists of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.  In addition, there are many other tips that you can try.  Read below to discover 10 tips for how to sleep better at night.   

  1. Follow a Sleep Schedule
    • When you develop a nighttime bedtime routine, it will help you to sleep better.  This routine consists of getting ready for bed at the same time so that you can be in bed by a set time every night.  As you do this, your body will get used to this routine and become sleepy as this time approaches.  This may also consist of practicing relaxation at night which includes diming the lights, having less lights on in the evenings and lowering the music volume or the television volume.  Doing these things will allow you to fall asleep quicker when you’re in bed.
  2. Reserve the Bed for Sleep and Sex
    • The primary purpose of your bed and bedroom is for sleeping and having sex.  Try not to do other things in your bed such a work, eat, talk on the phone or watch television in bed all day.  You should continue to make sure your bed is associated with sleeping by reserving it only for sleep and sex.  If you do choose to do things in your bedroom, try sitting on a chair or the edge of your bed.  Also make sure to avoid doing other things in your bed close to your bedtime.  Reading and writing are fine to do in your bed when you have trouble falling asleep. 
  3. Refrain from Drinking Certain Drinks at Night
    • Make sure to refrain from consuming drinks such as coffee, alcohol and any drink containing caffeine at nighttime to sleep better.  Caffeine is a stimulant which will keep your body alert.  When consumed it may also stay in the body for hours.  Try slowly reducing how late your drink caffeine each evening to determine your cutoff time.  Another option is to switch to a no or low caffeine option.  Contrary to popular belief, alcohol should not be taken as a sleep aide.  Side effects of this may be restless nights of sleep or becoming addicted.  Some better drink options at night are teas such as Chamomile tea or teas with honey, almond milk, milk or warm milk.   
  4. Avoid Heavy Meals Before Bedtime
    • Never eat heavy meals before bedtime and don’t eat late at night.  Consuming large meals before bedtime can lead to a poor quality of sleep, make it difficult to lose weight and may also cause disturbing dream.  Ideally, you shouldn’t eat 2 – 3 hours before you go to sleep.  Make sure to eat a healthy well-balanced diet throughout the day to keep you full.  There’s nothing worse than going to sleep and then not being able to sleep because your stomach is growling.  If you must have a nighttime snack, it should be something light.  Stay away from candy, sugar and sweets though.  Some good nighttime snack are apples, crackers and cheese, turkey, bananas, yogurt, cherries, nuts or walnuts.
  5. Put Away Electronics
    • Bedtime means it’s time to go to sleep.  This means putting away all the electronics and turning off the television.  Engaging in these things at nighttime will prevent you from trying to get to sleep because your mind will still be actively engaged.  The lights from different electronic devices will also keep you up.  It’s not helpful to do any of these things in your bed, even if you’re having trouble sleeping.  The best thing you can do is to turn them off or put them out of reach.  Electronics includes items such as cellphone, tablet, laptop, handheld devices, headphones and turning off the television.
  6. Create a Bedtime Environment
    • Work on creating a bedtime environment to sleep better at night.  You should try adjusting your bedroom temperature at night too.  An ideal sleep temperature is between 60 – 67 degrees Fahrenheit.  Your bedroom should be cool and dark during bedtime.  Other things you should do are to turn away the alarm clocks or put them facing downward.  A serene bedroom is one that is not cluttered, doesn’t have other things on the bed and or contain distracting items.  You may also need to invest in a good mattress, bedding, hypoallergenic bedding or allergy-free pillows.   
  7. Incorporate Exercise in Your Routine
    • Incorporating physical exercise into your daily routine can help you to sleep better.  People who exercise regularly can sleep longer, fall asleep quicker and increase the quality of their sleep.  Physical exercise also helps you to release energy which will make you feel more tired; however, make sure you don’t exercise to close to bedtime.  Doing this can delay and interfere with your sleep.  Light exercises such as yoga and stretching are fine for evenings though.    
  8. Limit Naps During the Day
    • During the day try not to take naps.  Taking frequent or long naps in the afternoons can disturb your sleeping routine.  It may cause you to not feel tired at bedtime and make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep at your regular bedtime.  Overtime, this will affect your nighttime sleeping patterns.  If you do need to take a nap, limit the length and don’t sleep in the evenings.  Naps that are under 45 minutes and don’t go past 5pm are best.        
  9. Get out of Bed and Do a Light Activity
    • Don’t immediately get out of bed if you can’t sleep.  Try laying in bed for another 20 minutes to see if you fall asleep.  If you still can’t fall asleep, consider leaving the bedroom and engaging in a light activity.  Some examples of this are reading or listening to music.  If you can’t sleep at nighttime, refrain from trying to do work, studying or tasks around the house.  This will only make you more alert.  You should also resist the urge to reach for your phone, tablet or laptop.  Remember the goal is to try to get back to sleep.  When you begin to feel sleepy get into your bed and try going to sleep. 
  10. Clear Your Mind and Destress
    • Sometimes having too much on your mind makes it harder to go to sleep at night.  Feeling worried and having racing thoughts may prevent you from getting to sleep or interfere with your sleep.  Some evening activities you could try are reading, journaling or listening to music.  If you are experiencing stress or anxiety try practicing meditation, deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.  These will help to calm your body and clear your mind.  You may also want to consider seeking a therapist for therapy if you are constantly experiencing high stress or anxiety.   

As you can see there are many things that you can do to work on sleeping better at night.  It may take a while, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find a solution that works best for you.  Just remember to be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself as you work on this.  If you still find that you’re having trouble sleeping, you may need to seek professional help.  This could be a medical doctor or a therapist.  They will be able to individually address your sleeping problems and work with you to develop an action plan just for you. 

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed reading it, especially because it addressed my problem. It helped me a lot and I hope it will help others too.

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