Can Stress Make You Angry?

Humans experience a range of emotions.  As we get older, we learn more about different emotions, how they differ and can usually do a better job of identifying which emotion we are feeling.  Although, there are many different emotions, most of these stem from a few key core emotions.  The most common 6 primary emotions are the following: Happiness, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger and Surprise. 

What is Anger?

Anger is defined as an intense emotional feeling of displeasure, hostility or annoyance.  It is a response to a perceived threat, provocation or hurt.  It may also range from mild irritation to intense wrath or fury.  However, it is a normal emotion and one of the many emotions that we may experience.  People may get angry for many reasons.  Some of the common reasons people get angry at work are not getting a promotion, being demoted, getting a low work evaluation rating, being criticized or micromanaged, or someone making more money than them doing the same work.  Other reasons people get angry are due to being disrespected, being treated unfairly, feeling or being threatened, experiencing discrimination, relationship conflicts, being cut off while driving, or things constantly just not going your way.    

What is Stress?

Stress on the other hand is defined as an emotional, physical or mental reaction.  This is your body’s response to a stimuli.  Many people experience stress which can be triggered by many situations, events or issues.  Most people experience stress during their lives.  People that experience stress may or may not respond by getting angry.  As you can probably imagine work is one of the leading causes of stress.  This may include a high workload, unrealistic timeframes, long working hours, office politics, lack of job security, workplace conflict, and lack of clarity about job responsibilities.  Other major stressors include being fired from work, going to jail, divorce, getting married, marital separation, major personal injury or illness, or death of a spouse or close family member.           

Similarities and Differences

As you can see stress and anger are very similar.  They both elicit emotional feelings or an emotional reaction and they are both a response to an external stimuli.  They also have many of the same physical symptoms such as muscle tension, chest pain or tightness, racing or elevated heart, an upset stomach, and a headache.  However, they do differ a little bit.  The main difference is that anger is an emotional response that can most likely be controlled by people whereas stress is due to factors that are not so easy to control.  As you look at some of the reasons that make people angry and that make people feel stressed, you’ll noticed that the reasons people get angry are for more intense reasons.  While most of the things or situations that may make a person feel stressed are due to more external factors.    

Does Stress Lead to Anger?

Although, stress can lead to anger, it doesn’t have to lead to this.  Not everyone that gets stressed will become angry.  There are ways to intercede and prevent this cycle from happening.  The first thing you should to do is to calm down.  Taking a couple of deep breaths can help you to calm down.  This will allow you to think clearly and make better choices.  Next you can work on identifying the thing or things that are causing you to feel stressed.  It may be a good idea to write all of these down on a piece of paper or computer too.  You will now have a visual of all the things making you feel stressed.  As you look over this list, identify and move the ones that you don’t have control over into a different section or towards the bottom.  You’re want to focus on the things that you do have control over because it will be more beneficial to put your energy towards these things.  The next steps will be to work on problem solving, listing different options, and exploring different possible outcomes. 

Dealing with Stressors

Most people will experience anger or stress in their lives.  Many things can usually be worked out with time and not all stress will lead to anger.  Some people may have a difficult time dealing with their stressors and may become angry.  Other people may feel like things are constantly spinning out of their control or may not know where to begin.  If this happens, it may be best to reach out to someone else for assistance with resolving problems.  Seeking professional help such as seeing a therapist can be very beneficial.  A therapist can assist you with problem solving, working through your feelings of anger, and helping to decrease your stress.  They can also teach you skills to address any future problems that may arise.    

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